The Exodus
The Exodus
Opening hours
- Sunday
- Closed
- Monday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Tuesday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Wednesday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Thursday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Friday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Saturday
- 12:30 PM - 9:30 PM
6H, Lorong Laichee
Sibu, Sarawak 96000
Sibu, Sarawak 96000
D,专门惩治法律无法制裁的罪犯的暗黑者,在销声匿迹了2 年后,突然又发出了死亡通知单。此次的执行地点为S 集团公司大楼内,制裁方式为爆炸。当局立刻重新组建了一支特工小组,疏散了所有人员后进入建筑进行侦查,
D, the executioner of the outlaw, disappeared for sometimes, now he’s issuing the death summon again! This time he will be executing a convict in the abandoned project of S group of companies,by bombing the convict. A team of special force had been sent by the authorities to evacuate the people around and investigate the building of any possible explosives. But once they entered the building, they were drugged and knock out....
D, the executioner of the outlaw, disappeared for sometimes, now he’s issuing the death summon again! This time he will be executing a convict in the abandoned project of S group of companies,by bombing the convict. A team of special force had been sent by the authorities to evacuate the people around and investigate the building of any possible explosives. But once they entered the building, they were drugged and knock out....
Don’t be surprise that i know about your true identity....and don’t think that your gang are there to save you...I know you are a pro,but if you want to stay alive, you'll have to get me out of here... Or rot with me in this den, forever...
Don’t be surprise that i know about your true identity....and don’t think that your gang are there to save you...I know you are a pro,but if you want to stay alive, you'll have to get me out of here... Or rot with me in this den, forever...
Normal Price: RM38
Student with valid ID:RM25
I arrived at the hotel right on time after i received the invitation..the door was left opened, ‘he’ seems to be expecting me. Found out I’m not the only one being invited, looks like all of us in the room got the invitation...what is ‘he’ trying to do? What’s in ‘his’ mind..who are these people?...As everyone’s wondering what’s gonna happen, we noticed the room seems a bit strange and unusual...
Student with valid ID:RM25
I arrived at the hotel right on time after i received the invitation..the door was left opened, ‘he’ seems to be expecting me. Found out I’m not the only one being invited, looks like all of us in the room got the invitation...what is ‘he’ trying to do? What’s in ‘his’ mind..who are these people?...As everyone’s wondering what’s gonna happen, we noticed the room seems a bit strange and unusual...
练马区警署接到了 2 名女高中生千春和美雪的报案,她们的好友 逸美似乎正受到死亡的威胁,把自己禁闭在家中,做出奇怪的举动。 繁忙的警署并没有把这起看似玩闹的报案当回事,只有年轻警员青山 挺身而出,跟着千春和美雪来到了逸美的家。他们想不到的是,威胁 着逸美的是一股来自怨灵的强烈“咒怨”,而这“咒怨”竟与一桩七 年前发生的杀人案有关,在某栋沉寂已久旧宅中,一种邪恶恐怖的黑 暗怨气,正在诅咒着每一个来客……
Normal Price:RM38
Student with valid ID:RM25
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Teresa, 23 years old, is a nun of St. Paul's Cathedral.When you read this letter, I would have already left this world. One day ago, I was still living in this wonderful world just as you are,but right now, the time for me has ended, leaving only a coffee mug from a friend of the past. And I still remember seeing those eyes in the darkness..
Student with valid ID:RM25
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Teresa, 23 years old, is a nun of St. Paul's Cathedral.When you read this letter, I would have already left this world. One day ago, I was still living in this wonderful world just as you are,but right now, the time for me has ended, leaving only a coffee mug from a friend of the past. And I still remember seeing those eyes in the darkness..
碎在地面上,里面装有的一种病毒突然爆发并迅速传播着,而主机电 脑“红后”为了控制病毒不让其外泄到地面上,将蜂巢全部封闭,杀
你们特警小组,找到了两名失忆的幸存者,一起进入到蜂巢中, 试图调查事件的真相。而红后,早已在等着你们……
碎在地面上,里面装有的一种病毒突然爆发并迅速传播着,而主机电 脑“红后”为了控制病毒不让其外泄到地面上,将蜂巢全部封闭,杀
你们特警小组,找到了两名失忆的幸存者,一起进入到蜂巢中, 试图调查事件的真相。而红后,早已在等着你们……
域是无限的,总有一天,必定会出现守护你的同伴。出生在这个 世界上,绝对不会永远孤独一人!即使暂时的面对黑暗,即使陷
域是无限的,总有一天,必定会出现守护你的同伴。出生在这个 世界上,绝对不会永远孤独一人!即使暂时的面对黑暗,即使陷
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